The Unstoppable Mom Brain

Priyanka Venugopal

The Weight Loss Coach for Working Moms:

I’ve spent years using Food for comfort to create pleasure in my life. Through medical school, residency and having kids it was the quickest (and most reliable way) way for me to treat myself. One of my greatest pleasures was getting the kids to bed so I could finally sit in front of the TV with my plate of cheese and crackers with an extra big glass of wine.

I get it. This works and feels GOOD. But I also got a little tired of the routine. I got tired of being in the Obese category and NEEDING food to feel better.

We coach on all things: relationships, work-life, mom-guilt. Because overwhelm in each of these areas drives us to seek comfort through food. This has been the best work of my life and I am honored to help other Working Moms create the same. My goal is to help my clients create true freedom from overwhelm in their life and forever change their relationship with food.

The Unstoppable Program:

This is a 6 month private 1-1 coaching program for Working Moms who are ready to commit to themselves.



